Michael Eng

Questions of Language and Images of Difference

The Scene of the Voice

The Scene of the Voice: Thinking Language After Affect (SUNY Press, Series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy)

The recent turns to affect and aesthetics in the humanities and the interpretive social sciences have been productive for reflecting on the crucial role sensibility plays in the constitution of the social. However, these scholarly developments construct their interventions by dismissing the attention to language that was central to the linguistic and cultural turns of previous eras, and on the claim that language is an obstacle to experiencing the reality of difference to which they maintain only sensibility can grant access. By analyzing the figure of the voice in the work of Martin Heidegger and the continental thinkers who follow him, The Scene of the Voice: Thinking Language After Affect shows that the dismissal of language in favor of sensibility requires overlooking their common connection in the problem of mimesis. As this book ultimately argues, artificially separating language and sensibility results in a failure to encounter affect, the relation to difference affect is said to name, and the experience of thinking affect is taken to provoke.

Table of Contents
The Scene of the Voice—or, What to Do with Language after Affect                               

1. The Voice: Sounding the Scene of Finitude                                                               
2. From phonē to logos: The Antagonism of Language and the Figuration of the Voice  
3. A Finite Scene?  Heidegger’s Antigones and the Returns of the Voice           

Appendix to Chapter Three:
The First Choral Ode from Antigone and Accompanying Translations         

4. Figuration and Finitude: Ontological Mimesis and Onto-typology between Nancy & Lacoue-Labarthe         

5. The Other Night of the  Voice: Désoeuvrement, Effacement, and the Limit-Experience of the Outside                    

6. Deleuze and the Voice of Simulacra                                                                           
Thinking and Language After Affect